V1 CryptoPunks – Original Punks Not Dead!

Key Takeaways
What are V1 CryptoPunks?
V1 CryptoPunks are the original punks that pre-dated the Cryptopunks we love today. You can find stories online that have a timeline of early NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain.
(Sources: Leonidas.eth Twitter Thread – Nelson Twitter Thread )
V1 CryptoPunks are the original and identical characters from the bugged contract that are now safe with an intuitive ERC-721 wrapper. The original CryptoPunks contract had a marketplace bug which led to punks getting stolen. The new wrapper now makes your CryptoPunk safe and tradeable on NFT Platforms such as OpenSea – LooksRare – Rarible.
How to UnWrap your V1 CryptoPunk from the old wrapper.
*Unlock better image and traits!
- Go to the foobar wrapper contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xF4a4644E818c2843Ba0AAbEa93af6c80B5984114#writeContract
- Connect MetaMask wallet using the “Connect Web3” button with the red dot.
- Go to #9 (unwrap tab)
* _punkId field= your punk (ex: 4684) - Once the field is entered click the “write” button to complete.
(Wait for the Transaction to finish, before moving onto wrapping your V1 CryptoPunk.)
How to Wrap your V1 CryptoPunk
- Go to the V1 CryptoPunks contract https://etherscan.io/address/0x6Ba6f2207e343923BA692e5Cae646Fb0F566DB8D#writeContract
- Connect MetaMask wallet using the “Connect Web3” button with the red dot.
- Next we write a PRIVATE sale to the wrapper contract address:
* minSalePriceInWei field = price: put that to 0
* toAddress field = the Wrapper contract address: 0x282BDD42f4eb70e7A9D9F40c8fEA0825B7f68C5D - Once all fields are entered click the “write” button to complete.
(Wait for the Transaction to finish.) - Go to the V1 CryptoPunks wrapper contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x282bdd42f4eb70e7a9d9f40c8fea0825b7f68c5d#writeContract
- Connect MetaMask wallet using the “Connect Web3” button with the red dot.
- Go to #10 (Wrap tab)
* wrap field = ETH to send
(as we put “0” in the private sale we put “0.0” here too.)
* _punkId field= your punk (ex: 4684) - Once all fields are entered click the “write” button to complete.
(Wait for the Transaction to finish.)
V1 CryptoPunks Official Marketplace Coming Soon!
V1 CryptoPunks Links
• Twitter
• Discord
• OpenSea
• LooksRare
• Rarible
• Contract
• Classicpunks.com
Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.